Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pink or Blue??

We are officially at 21 weeks! Over half-way there! I must take this opportunity to point out: why have people been lying to women for years?? 9 months "my behind"! A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Math was never my best subject, but something doesn't quite add-up.... :)

We had our "BIG" 20 week ultrasound about a week and a half ago! This was a huge milestone for a few different reasons. It was the last big screening test for several abnormalities and neurological disorders. It was the big test that the parents were anxiously waiting for until they could finally relax a bit and enjoy the pregnancy! They have been so nervous for every appointment up to this point. I wanted so badly for them to be able to breathe easy and enjoy it a long time ago, but I can not imagine the heartache and disappointment they have faced in their past with multiple failures. I am sure that they learned the hard way to not get their hopes up too early. Thankfully, everything came out clear! Got a few great shots during the measurements:

Look at those teeny toes!!

This was also the appointment that they could find out the sex! Since I was wrong with both of my own, I was not about to guess the sex of the baby in my womb that I had no blood relations to. My first was a surprise... I was convinced that I was having a boy. I had boy dreams. I even bought boy clothes. You guessed it, she was a girl. I thought my husband was playing a cruel joke on me after she came out. :) We found out with our second only because we were in the process of moving. Even before the ultrasound technician revealed our boy, I had no idea either way.

We all held our breath and waited for the baby to open it's legs enough to get an absolute confirmation. It was being a little shy at first. :) Finally, a good shot!

A Girl!! 
This shot is looking from the bottom-up. Her legs 
are on the right, her bum is on the left.

Going into the appointment, the parents were saying that they didn't care either way and only wished for a healthy baby, naturally... but every parent knows that sometimes, you are really secretly hoping for one or the other. After the girl was revealed, the mom started crying and said she really did want a girl! Even the dad said he had kind of hoped for a girl from the beginning although he was also thinking a boy would be really fun, too. I am so happy that this is turning into a dream-come-true for them!

As for me, I am feeling great. Now that I am definitely showing, I am getting a lot more people saying "congrats" or asking questions. I work in a hotel and interact with guests on a daily basis. If the guest "congratulating" me is in passing or unfamiliar to me, I just say "thank you". It don't need to go into the whole story for someone I am never going to see again. A lot of the guests I see are repeats, though, so it's really fun to tell them the story. I know I will see them again and again, and they are excited to follow me on this journey. I have been showered with praise, hugged and kissed. I have brought some to tears. It is such an amazing feeling to touch people in such a unique way.

Thanks for reading! :)