Saturday, September 29, 2012

"...we are all connected"

I just wanted to share this excerpt from the blog of my surrogacy agency; West Coast Surrogacy (whom I love, by the way). This was posted on the recent anniversary of 9/11 and it really touched me. This describes exactly how I feel about why I am doing what I am doing.
Maybe it's because we've all been through a rough ride together the past few years.  Maybe it is the lingering effects of our shared wound from September 11.  Maybe it is concern for the care of our planet and its citizens.  Whatever the reason, people are helping people more than ever.
David Handschuh/News--From New York Daily News Online
Take gestational surrogacy.  Despite what may be portrayed in popular culture and also tossed around as theory ("Selfish celebs use surrogates to save their own bodies!") we have found in talking to the women who call or write our office, interested to know about being a surrogate, that their motivation is to help someone.  They found it easy and so rewarding to become pregnant and to carry their own children.  They are moved by what they see and hear from other women who can't become pregnant, can't carry a baby to term, and can't create the family they always dreamed of.  And they want to help.

Today, on the anniversary of the tragedy of September 11, we reflect on what we experienced when those towers fell.  We remember the people who lost their lives.  We are grateful for what we have and we practice random acts of kindness to those who have less.  We acknowledge that we are all connected.

One hope I have in taking this journey is that it will teach my children to be empathetic & benevolent. I want them to grow up thinking about others in need, to be charitable, kind & selfless.

For the full blog from West Coast Surrogacy:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Like Christmas!

OK, maybe not quite like Christmas... at all, actually...  but I was very excited to get a box in the mail the other day with all of my medication & syringes!! Yes, I know how crazy this makes me sound - but this means that things are finally happening!! It seems like we have forever been signing papers and faxing things back & forth, and now the "fun" stuff can begin! Here it all is:

The reason I have not updated lately is because it has just been boring stuff - mostly legal contracts to process, review & sign. This process took several weeks because the IP's attorney had to draft the contract and have the IPs review, make any necessary changes, then send it to my attorney for me to review, make any necessary changes & sign. The contract included all of the typical things you would expect - the fact that I will not have any parental rights and that I will assist the IPs in obtaining all of their necessary paperwork for legal parental custody of the child. It stated that I give up any rights to make any decisions regarding the child (such as - how to proceed if it tested positive for severe birth defects). It also included financial breakdown (which I will get to at some point) and what I am entitled to as far as life coaching & support. The recent time has also been spent setting up a life insurance policy for me through the surrogacy agency. This only consisted of a 30 minute phone conversation and emailing some necessary health information. Pretty painless.

Speaking of coaching & support, I have also had my first (phone) meeting with the life coach/therapist assigned to me. She was wonderful! I really felt comfortable with her. I will be talking to her at least once a month throughout the whole process and up to 2 months after delivery. She said that she is not only available to coach me through the surrogacy process, but that I can feel free to discuss any other issues with her that I want to. I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into! :) Ha!

So, I will be spending my weekend reading-over the instructions for my shots to start on Sunday 10/30. I have never given myself a shot before, so I am a bit nervous for the first one, although I am sure I will quickly get the hang of it. I will be giving myself a small daily shot of Lupron in the stomach. The larger shots (only a few times throughout the month - Delestrogen & Progesterone) will be in the lower back/upper buttock area and I think Scot will have to help me with those. He is, strangely enough, looking forward to inflicting pain on me with a needle. Thanks, dear. Love ya too. ;)