Wednesday, July 3, 2013

38 Weeks - Countdown Is On!

In exactly 1 week, the parents will finally get to hold their sweet baby girl!! I can't believe this journey has almost come to an end! It went by so fast!

I finished up my last day at work last week and I'm looking forward to a huge chunk of Summer with time off to spend with my family! I really could not have planned this better, timing-wise. After recovering for a couple of weeks and trying to pump as much milk for them as I can, we are taking a 2-week family road trip (are we crazy?!) to Disneyland, Palm Springs & Utah. Seeing lots of extended family in PS & Utah will be a blast!

Speaking of pumping, the parents bought me a super fancy Hands-free Double Breast Pump. I opened it today to wash & sterilize everything - it kinda felt like Christmas!

The last few doctors appointments have been smooth & normal. We have just one more to go before the tentative induction date (still next Wednesday - 7/10). At the last one 2 days ago, I was only 1 cm dilated and not much effaced. I am still feeling really good and not terribly uncomfortable. Braxton Hicks contractions are getting a little more intense, but still very sporadic. Sometimes they come once an hour for a while, but then I won't feel one for several hours. My feet are very swollen, which I am used to happening with my other pregnancies in the last month. It's not easy to keep them elevated when I have my own kids, laundry, etc. to attend to. They aren't even recognizable as feet. I said to my loving husband "Look at my feet!" and his response was "Is that what you call those?". :)

I got to see a lot of the parents the last few weeks I was at work - they actually checked in to my hotel for almost 2 weeks! Their "make room for baby" re-organizing project turned into a bigger construction project than they had anticipated (as those things tend to go). It was fun to see so much of them and I'm sure they really enjoyed seeing the belly every day too.

Leaving you with a belly shot - many people tell me I look like I'm carrying on the small side. I feel about the same as I did with my own two, and they were 7.5 lbs & 7.3 lbs.

38 Weeks

I'll be writing again within the week, I'm sure!
